
Founded in 2005, Victorian Information Communication Technology for Women Network (Women 4 STEM) is a not-for-profit organisation that operates to increase the entry, retention, and progress of women in the technology industries.

Our vision is to actively promote and support women throughout their STEM careers. Our mission is to provide a range of practical and sustainable initiatives that will promote urban and regional women’s entry, retention, and progression in tech.

There are many other initiatives within the industry that focus on gender diversity. What makes Women 4 STEM unique is that we take a holistic approach to diversity. Our programs are focused across all ages of women, from young schoolgirls and women at university, through to those already in the industry all the way to industry leaders.

Our members are at the heart of what we do. Their membership, community, and engagement help to keep Women 4 STEM going. In partnership with our corporate, education and individual members, we share a commitment to diversity and the support of women and girls across all stages of their careers. We have welcomed new individual and corporate members into our fold.

We recognise that we are only as good as the people who make everything happen. Women 4 STEM is run entirely by volunteers. In FY21, more than 200 volunteers invested over 10,000 volunteer hours, doing everything from managing our social media, recruiting for events, running world-class programs, providing mentorship support, and everything in between—in addition to a global pandemic. Our organisation wouldn’t be possible without our volunteer’s generosity and support.

Chris Skipper-Conway, Chair

My agenda is to see Australia have access to a more balanced and diverse workforce to ensure we have an IT industry in the future. I am a passionate advocate of equal opportunity having grown up in South Africa at a time when minority groups were privileged and an overwhelming proportion of the general population was discriminated against.

Ayten Ozenc, Deputy Chair & Secretary

Sigal Pilli, Treasurer & Board Member

Amit Singhania, Board Member

Louiza Nutt, Board Member

Stephanie Chan, Board Member